OECD AI at COP28: Greening global energy grids with AI and connectivity

This session will provide an overview of the state of clean energy systems, examples of enabling technologies that support energy resilience, and share best practices from across jurisdictions.

November 30, 2023 | 15:00 – 16:15 CET


According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), at least half of global reductions in CO₂ emissions required for a net zero scenario by 2050 rely on clean energy technology developments yet to reach full commercialisation. This panel discussion will analyse the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and efficient energy systems, and implications for communication infrastructure policy. Namely, the policy opportunities and challenges presented by AI-enabled energy systems and the underlying connectivity that helps countries leverage the green and digital “twin transitions” in support of their climate goals. Over the coming decades, digital technologies are set to make energy systems around the world more connected, intelligent, efficient, reliable and sustainable. This session provided an overview of the state of clean energy systems, examples of enabling technologies that support energy resilience, and shared best practices from across jurisdictions.




For more information on OECD.AI’s work on AI compute and climate: